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Product Management
Product Management
Build offers a comprehensive suite of modules to simplify product management, covering both individual products and entire brands. The sorting system, tag system for searching and filtering, and jewelry specifications aid in organization. Additionally, an AI content generator automates repetitive tasks, freeing up time for other business tasks. With these modules in place, product management becomes efficient and easy, providing a complete solution for stress-free website product management.
Manage Products
Build's Manage Products module makes adding/editing products on your website a breeze. Products can be added locally or from automated sources like Larovo or POS. This makes marketing/selling more efficient and convenient. Quick edits to product details, images, prices, SEO, market settings, and variations are possible. Viewing, filtering, searching, sorting, downloading, and printing product information is effortless with the click of a button. This module sets up all necessary product-related steps for efficient website use, with easy management from the back end.
Manage Products
Manage Brand
Manage Brand
The Manage Brand module streamlines brand management by allowing you to set rules for all products in a brand. You can manage multiple brands with just a few clicks. Changes can be applied to the shopping cart, prices, stock, product images, item page policy, content generator settings, button labels, and more, for an entire brand, all at once. This makes brand management faster and more efficient, whether you're adding new brands or managing existing ones. Simply select your desired specifications and apply to all products in the brand.
Jewelry Specifications
Build's system implements industry-standard jewelry specifications, making it easy to categorize and track products. With a wide range of product types and detailed specifications included in the Build’s functionality, businesses and customers have access to a great deal of versatility and specificity. This helps ensure that every product is easily organized and readily accessible, making the application of these specifications an essential function of any jewelry-specific CMS. The incorporation of industry standard specifications makes Build a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for managing jewelry products.
Jewelry Specifications
Smart Product Sorting
Smart Product Sorting
With Build's Smart Product Sorting, you can enhance your customers' experience with quick and versatile product sorting options. The precise control over search and view options allows clients to find what they need effortlessly. The advanced data mixer integrates product information for precise sorting options, giving you and your customers accurate and thorough accessibility of your inventory. Offer a top-notch customer experience and increase satisfaction with Build's Smart Product Sorting.
Tag System
Build's tag manager system streamlines product organization by allowing you to apply tags to your products. These tags enable users to search and filter through your inventory, making it simpler to find what they're looking for. With clear and concise tagging, your website becomes more user-friendly and easier to navigate. Improve your customers' experience by using Build's tag system and enhance the organization and accessibility of your products. The simplified tag system is a snap to learn and use, as new tags can be added and applied in a couple of short steps.
Tag System
AI Content Generator
AI Content Generator
Build utilizes an innovative AI Content Generator that streamlines the content creation process for jewelry websites. With a single click, the generator automatically generates product data based on the specifications in your system, eliminating the manual task of filling in the content. The advanced AI system creates compelling product descriptions, titles, and meta tags, all of which are based on accurate and up-to-date product specifications. Enhance the quality of your website content and save time with Build's cutting-edge AI Content Generator.