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Page Builders
Build's Design Studio offers a diverse collection of custom page builders to fit every need for a jewelry website. From forms, blogs, diamond search pages, static pages, Google reviews, and more, you can easily find the perfect page builder for your needs. The user-friendly interface and straightforward process of browsing and selecting page builders streamlines the design process to save you time and effort. Create a polished, functional, and professional website with ease using Build's comprehensive library of page builders.
Design Studio + Form Builder
Build's Form Builder is a versatile tool for your jewelry website, offering a range of features to streamline your form creation. You can select from customizable templates, or create your own forms. This builder features premade form fields to be easily entered using drag and drop. Automated confirmation emails and form submission popups make it easy to track and respond to incoming submissions. With a built-in Google reCAPTCHA checker, the Form Builder ensures the security and accuracy of your information. Simply set up a form and it can be active immediately for use on your website.
Layout Builder
Design Studio
Pre-Filter Collection Page Builder
The pre-filtered collection builder is a powerful tool for jewelry retailers. It provides fine-tuned control over the appearance of products in a collection, even before filters are applied. The builder allows for the customization of filtering options, making it easier for customers to find the jewelry they are looking for. Just set up your page, choose filters, order, and sorting, and the page will be ready for customer use. Whether you are looking to streamline your jewelry collections or provide customers with an effortless browsing experience, the pre-filtered collection builder is a must-have tool.
Blog Page Builder
Build offers a user-friendly blog page builder that enables you to effortlessly create compelling blog pages for your jewelry website. Whether you want to share industry news, showcase the latest jewelry trends, or provide valuable insights to customers, the blog page builder is the perfect tool for the job. Simply enter essential information like the title, date, and image, and your blog post can be online in a matter of minutes. With its emphasis on ease of use and simplicity, even those with little experience can start blogging with Build.
Design Studio - Row Templates
Page Templates
Diamond Search Page Builder
Build's Diamond Search Page Builder is an essential tool for your jewelry website. This page builder allows you to easily set up a search page for diamonds based on a vast range of criteria. With integrations via diamond sources such as Rapnet and VDB, you can automatically populate images for the diamonds you are selling. You can even add placeholder images for those diamonds where real images from the vendor are not available. Customers visiting the site will have easy access to beautiful images of all diamonds. This is a must-have module for any jewelers selling diamonds, who are also interested in creating a top-notch website.
Google Review Page Builder
Build's Google Review page builder makes it easy to receive and display customer reviews. Simply input your Google API Key and Google Places ID to connect your site to the Google network, and all reviews from your google page will appear. This connection allows for easy access to customer reviews, helping you develop a strong rapport and positive reputation with potential customers. Linking up to Google Reviews is an important step for any business looking to establish a credible online presence, a step that is made simple by Build.
Design Studio - Row Templates
Page Templates
Select Product Page Builder
Build’s Select Product Page Builder allows you to display selected products from your store on a custom page. The page builder gives you the flexibility to choose any combination of products from your product line and organize them on one page. Just choose the products you want and you can set up the page in a moment. With this feature, you can create an unlimited number of unique product pages that cater to your specific marketing needs. Highlight best-sellers or new arrivals, or create a customized shopping experience for your customers, the Select Product Page Builder has got you covered.