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Product Management
Marketing Tools
Build offers a comprehensive set of marketing tools specifically designed for the jewelry industry. With features such as centralized inquiry and promotion management, seamless marketplace connections, and automated content generation, Build is equipped with all the tools you need to achieve success. The tools in Build are designed to boost your marketing reach and sales and are readily available in the CMS for easy deployment on your website. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, Build has everything you need to grow.
SEO Auto Content Generator
SEO Auto Content Generator
Build's AI content generator simplifies creating unique product titles, descriptions, and metatags. It automates the process of producing SEO-friendly content, saving you time and effort. With just a few clicks, you can generate accurate, optimized content that boosts traffic and sales. No more manual and tedious content creation. The generator uses available product specifications to auto-fill SEO content with minimal input, helping ensure your website is accurately crawled and indexed by search engines for improved search rankings.
Squeeze Page Builders
With Build's squeeze page builder, marketers can effortlessly create impactful landing pages. In a matter of clicks, design high-converting pages that drive business growth and achieve marketing goals, be it capturing user info or making sales. The design studio and templates simplify the process, allowing marketers to quickly build professional squeeze pages. Get started now and experience the ease and speed of building pages that convert.
Squeeze Page Builders
Popup Builder
Popup Builder
Build makes it simple to create eye-catching popups that engage customers. The popup builder utilizes a variation of our classic page builder, made specifically for popups, along with the trademark design studio. With a variety of templates to choose from, designing the perfect popup for your business is quick and effortless. Boost customer interest and drive engagement with Build's efficient and customizable popup builder. Control every aspect of your popups including the duration of their appearance and page location with a few simple steps.
Blog Manager
Build's blog manager is a powerful tool that helps you efficiently manage your website's blog pages. You can easily view a list of all your blog pages and edit any page with just a few clicks. The blog manager allows you to make changes to metas, descriptions, images, and the body of the blog with ease. This is just one of the many useful modules included in Build's all-inclusive management tools, designed to help you market a top-quality website.
Blog Manager
Google Shopping
Google Shopping
The Google Shopping integration offered by Build is an effective tool for jewelry retailers to expand their reach and increase their sales. It allows customers to easily browse your products through Google Shopping. Products are ranked based on relevance, taking into account factors such as search terms and Google activity. The use of some ad data helps to improve the quality of results. Integrating with Google Shopping is a great way for retailers to enhance their marketing strategy and reach a larger audience, and you can do it with Build.
Facebook Catalog
Build's integration with Facebook Catalog enhances your marketing, providing another marketplace in which customers can purchase your products. By connecting your website with Facebook Catalog, you can reach a massive audience and increase your sales potential. This integration allows you to effortlessly market your products to Facebook Catalog. Facebook offers Catalog Manager which enables companies to store a catalog of their products and use it for social media ads. Because Build connects directly to Facebook Catalog, you can run social media ads to market your products with little effort.
Facebook Catalog
With Build, you can easily connect your website to popular marketplaces, including Google Shop, Facebook Catalog, Instagram Shop, Amazon, and more. This integration opens up new avenues for reaching customers and increases the accessibility of your products. As a result, you can expand your client base and grow your business beyond your website. With Build's seamless integration, you can take advantage of multiple sales channels all from the CMS. This tool is essential for businesses looking to increase their online visibility and reach.
Conversion Codes
Maximize your marketing potential with Build's conversion tracking codes. These codes allow you to easily monitor customer engagement and track important data points on your website. This valuable tool provides insights into your customer behavior and helps you to optimize your marketing strategies. Take control of your website's marketing efforts with Build's conversion tracking codes, designed to enhance your website's marketing capabilities.
Conversion Codes
Inquiry Manager
Inquiry Manager
Build's inquiry manager is a centralized location for all your site visitor submissions. This module organizes product inquiries, popup submissions, wish lists, newsletters, and more, giving you a clear view of all interactions. You'll receive notifications for new inquiries, making it easy to stay on top of your incoming messages. With the ability to view all inquiries and delve into specific ones for more detail, the inquiry manager streamlines your communication process and helps you manage inquiries with maximum efficiency.
Build's Promotions Manager makes running promotional campaigns effortless. The tool automatically generates promo codes and tracks their use on the back end of the CMS. Customers can easily receive, apply, and redeem coupons, enhancing their shopping experience. With over a dozen preloaded promotions available, businesses have a great variety of options to choose from. Moreover, the Promotions Manager enables you to custom-create your own promotions, providing even more flexibility. This feature is a valuable asset for businesses looking to boost their sales and drive customer loyalty.